Self Care Isn't Selfish


One thing I have learned over the years is providing self care for myself isn't me being selfish, on the contrary it's helping me be a better version of myself to give to my family, friends, coworkers, and the world. If you're stressed out, exhausted, depressed, anxious, or angry you definitely can't give your best self to others. In our society it's achieve all you can, go farther, faster, do everything and do it well.

Pressures to be the best parent and give your child everything and they have to be in every sport and social group and now with Covid you have to be a teacher on top of it. In our job we have the pressures to move up that corporate ladder, get that corner office, get that raise, or we feel like we're not achieving like our coworkers.  The list of pressures go on and on.

Doing self care especially in the times we are living in is so important. Now I'm not saying you have to spend money to do this, I like to do self check in's. In the morning I check in with how did I sleep? If not well maybe I need to go to bed earlier tonight? Or maybe I need to shut off the TV and or social media earlier tonight and have some quiet time before bed? Am I sore from yesterday's workout and need to adjust today's? Then in the evening I check in again. How did my day go? Am I stressed and need to relax by perhaps a nice hot bath, or a gentle yoga session? Maybe I just need to read a great book? Whatever relaxes you.

I like the Me time everyday. I workout everyday and that's my way to relax, burn off steam, and just get inside my own head me time. But I know not everyone works that way. Find your Me time everyday whatever makes your happy and you enjoy. And one last tip, plan a big Me time every weekend. It could be taking a few hours exploring the local park you have never been to, taking a bike ride, whatever gets you excited for and put it on the calendar. It gives you something to look forward to every week.

Remember self care isn't being selfish. 


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