Part 2 In The Money Series: Are You Entertaining or Educating?

I was reading a study (sorry I wish I could find it again) that said the average American spends between 2-5 hours per day on their phone?! That just really shocked me! It had it broke into percentages but the big culprits were



Tic Toc




Now don't get me wrong I am a professed YouTube junky and I do have a Amazon Prime account but 2-5hrs? What are we actually doing? Are we being entertained or educated? There is a big difference there. The majority of my time on YouTube is spent watching other soap makers videos that have been at this alot longer than I and I learn from them. I also follow several Triathletes a sport I love doing and they serve both the purpose of learning and entertainment. 

So how does watching Tic Tok videos or Facebook affect our money? Well first what are you gaining from watching the newest Tic Tok challenge? It's entertaining yes but how much time are you wasting watching it? Your time should have a monetary value. You are paid for your time at work, your free time should hold the same value right? 

So what can you do do spend that time in a educational way? Maybe there is a business that you have been thinking about starting but are unsure about it? Spend that time watching Youtube videos or reading a book on the subject. Maybe you want to learn how to invest in the stock market or learn how to budget your money better? There are countless YouTube videos, blogs, podcasts, and books that can help you with all of that. Maybe you want to learn Yoga? Yes relaxation and down time is essential to our well being. 

Your time holds value. It's something that you have a limited amount of so use/spend it wisely.


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