How Important Are Goals?

How often do we make resolutions on Jan 1st only to have them fade away by February or March? Most of the time because these are resolutions and not goals. What is the difference? Most of us say I want to lose weight without a plan or a measurable goal or time frame. We want to get in shape without a plan or a clear objective of "what is in shape?" Years ago I stopped making resolutions and started making goals. This year for me I set a goal of reading 3 books. As of the writing of this article I have read 4. I set a goal of introducing 3 new products to GreenTree Creek and with this article (your discount code is included with this email) I am introducing my our newest soap Mountain Man!

Why goals and not resolutions?

1. Setting goals helps trigger new behaviors. -  Let's say you want to lose 20 pounds. By going on the internet you can find lots of free apps that will help you manage your diet and tell you how long it will take you to achieve your goal. If you set a goal of losing 2 pounds per week it will take you 10 weeks to achieve your goal. 

2. By Setting Goals You Achieve More - When you set a goal and reach it, it gives you the taste of victory. You will want to taste that again. Working towards, meeting, and surprising goals help you achieve way more than you ever thought possible.

3. They help you beat procrastination. - We all deal with procrastination from time to time. But when you have a clear defined time lined goal you learn that procrastination is the enemy to your goal. 

Good goal setting is something that is attainable, a plan, and a time frame. Good luck !

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