GreenTree Creek's Thoughts Beside The Creek: How Do I Find Happiness?

How do I find happiness? Many people including myself ask themselves that question all the time but each of us define happiness in our own way.  One report showed that 72 percent of college students and 59 percent of working adults classified success at work as one of their most important goals in life. In fact, success in the workplace ranked above children, wealth, and leadership in importance, and only below financial security and marriage. Nothing about what would give them happiness?

So do we gauge our happiness from work, financial security. and marriage?

I absolutely believe that being happy with your work is important because let's face it you spend a large portion of your life at work and if you don't enjoy your job it can make you very unhappy in the other parts of your life. Financial security definitely takes the stress out of everyday life and worry of the future. And let's face it when your're not stressed about how the bills are going to get paid that's a huge relief! And I also believe that you can find happiness in a loving relationship.

But isn't there more to happiness?

It sounds corny but I think you need to find happiness within yourself and externally. One of the things that I have found is always keep searching, yep that's right never stop searching for happiness because you will be amazed at what you find! One thing I always had in my mind for years is that I would love to learn to paint but the thing that held me back is I can't draw. So finally I decided to buy a cheap paint set and try it, I mean what's the worst that can happen right?  What I learned is that you don't have to be able to draw to paint because I made a beautiful mountain scape first time out! It's fun, it's relaxing, and it brings me happiness. If I would have never tried and let that nagging thought of not being able to draw hold me back I never would have found something that brings me joy. 

I believe that happiness is like knowledge. Never stop searching and always be open in your mind and heart.


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