Don't Go Back To Normal

As this Covid virus has turned our lives upside down we hear people say 'I want to go back to normal". Unfortunately that may be a long time in coming or we may have to accept a new normal and for most of us that is very unsettling. I race triathlons and I watched all my races cancel one by one and finally last week my big race cancelled. It was expected by me in light of the new spikes and all the uncertainly of how to pull off a race with 1000+ competitors, their supporters, volunteers, and trying to keep everyone safe. When had a race cancel at the beginning I knew the racing season for myself was done. I hit a path of not really knowing what to do and floundered. After a couple weeks of grieving, I took my foot off the gas of my training and really said "Now what"?

I began working on some projects I had put off on my home and did some actual relaxing. I concentrated on my business and I was still working out because it makes me feel good but I actually added more trail runs for just the enjoyment of being outdoors. I then began looking at I have vacation for all these races what do I do with it? I still need to use it or lose it. I began to explore some new options where I could have a nice relaxing vacation with social distancing and also have it be active like I had originally planned. I was watching some cycling shows on Amazon and I was just fascinated watching crossing the country or mountain ranges race and Bikepacking. So now I am planning some really cool adventures and found something new that gives me something to look forward to and hopefully a lifelong hobby.

My hope is that during this time you have explored what your new normal is going to be. Maybe you have connected with a passion that you let go by the wayside or new passion that you incorporate into your life moving. Maybe you decided to take that leap to start that business or go back to school and get that degree.

Don't go back to the old normal, make a new wonderful normal. 

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