Covid-19 And Relax?

With all that's going on with the Covid virus it's more important now than ever to relax. Easier said than done! Stress causes the natural stress hormone Cortisol to be released in your blood plasma which helps regulate how carbs, protein, and fats are used. It helps control blood sugar. It helps reduce inflammation, which might come as a surprise for you. Assists with memory formation, regulates blood pressure, and then it also plays a part in your sleep-wake cycle.This is something that professional endurance athletes have learned how to harness and to work with.

But to most people right now facing bills with prolonged shelter in place, children at home with home schooling in place, and the fear of contracting the virus the cortisol levels are remaining at a peak. Here is the downfalls of are chronic elevated cortisol levels. A lot of people will experience unexpected weight gain, depression, problems with memory formation. Obviously, trouble sleeping, and headaches are all kind of symptoms of chronically elevated cortisol levels. So ho do you combat this? Keep a good amount of quality protein in your diet. The next is relaxation being built into your daily schedule. I myself I do a short yoga/breathing routine in the morning usually about 10 to 15 minutes. I do my workouts in the evening which again will elevate the cortisol level but I counter act it with a at least 4 oz of protein after the workout combined with a hot relaxing shower and a nice herbal night time tea.

 There are apps you can use to relax such as Headspace, Calm, and the Mindfulness app are just a few. Right now it is very important to control the stress and not let it control us.

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